Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Steps for Using Google Cast

To Reflect from Chromebook to Projector

1. Add the Extension (you only have to do this one time)  

--Go to the Chrome Web Store

--Search for “Google Cast for Education”

--Choose “Add to Chrome”

2. To Create A Casting Receiver (Do this from a computer that is connected to a projector)

--Click the green Google Cast Icon in the top, right  toolbar

---Give your receiver a name (could be just your last name) and choose “Save”

--Add the people you would like to have access to Cast and choose “Add”
-You can add groups of students based on Google Classroom
-You can also add individuals to cast by typing in their email

To Begin Casting (students will follow the same steps at this point)

--Click the three dots in the top right corner, and choose “Cast”

--Before choosing the receiver, be sure to use the drop-down arrow and choose “desktop” or “tab”  (best to select desktop just in case students need to show you multiple items from different sources i.e. google drive doc, a website, etc.)
-Tab will allow you to only cast the tab you are currently on
-Desktop will allow you to cast every tab/screen you navigate to

--Choose the receiver by selecting the receiver name

----In order to change who is casting, the teacher will have to click the “X” in the middle of the screen, and the next person can then request.  You must stop a person from casting before another person can cast or request to cast.