Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Adding & Using Screencastify

Adding the Screencastify Extension

1. Click the three dot button at the top right corner.

2. Choose More Tools...Extensions…

3. At the bottom of the page that opens, choose Get More Extensions.

4. In the Search The Store box, type Screencastify…

5. When you see this option, click Add to Chrome.

6. You’ll know you have the right extension when you see this icon at the top right of your browser:

Getting Started With Screencastify

1. Click the Screencastify extension icon:

2. Click to sign in with Google...

3. Give Screencastify the permissions it requests…

4. If you’d like to view the Help video, it should allow you to do so...

5. Close the Screencastify setup window and click the extension icon again.

6. The recording options box will open up where you can choose specific criteria for making your video. You can choose to record either a single tab or your entire desktop. You can also choose to include the webcam if you’d like.

7. Videos you create save to your Google Drive.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Steps for Using Google Cast

To Reflect from Chromebook to Projector

1. Add the Extension (you only have to do this one time)  

--Go to the Chrome Web Store

--Search for “Google Cast for Education”

--Choose “Add to Chrome”

2. To Create A Casting Receiver (Do this from a computer that is connected to a projector)

--Click the green Google Cast Icon in the top, right  toolbar

---Give your receiver a name (could be just your last name) and choose “Save”

--Add the people you would like to have access to Cast and choose “Add”
-You can add groups of students based on Google Classroom
-You can also add individuals to cast by typing in their email

To Begin Casting (students will follow the same steps at this point)

--Click the three dots in the top right corner, and choose “Cast”

--Before choosing the receiver, be sure to use the drop-down arrow and choose “desktop” or “tab”  (best to select desktop just in case students need to show you multiple items from different sources i.e. google drive doc, a website, etc.)
-Tab will allow you to only cast the tab you are currently on
-Desktop will allow you to cast every tab/screen you navigate to

--Choose the receiver by selecting the receiver name

----In order to change who is casting, the teacher will have to click the “X” in the middle of the screen, and the next person can then request.  You must stop a person from casting before another person can cast or request to cast.